Message from God

Message from God

God speaks to us, even today. How amazing is that? God gave us His word,…

Prayer balloon

Prayer balloon

All you need is a balloon, helium bottle, a piece of paper and pen. You…

What do you need?

What do you need?

You can use this question and possible answers (as shown in the picture) to approach…

Treasure hunt

Treasure hunt

God loves the world so much that He sent His son to this earth (John…



Do you know the post-it game? Everyone has a post-it on their forehead with a…

Invite somebody

Invite somebody

There are plenty of opportunities for your friends to hear of the gospel and experience…

Bible reading plan

Bible reading plan

Invite a friend to do a Bible reading plan with you. Maybe he or she…



Have you experienced something with THE FOUR? Share your story with the community. Inspire and…

Movie night

Movie night

Who doesn’t like a good movie? Grab a few snacks and drinks and have some…



Get signs with THE FOUR symbols on them. This is great after a flashmob. Have…

Lifehouse Everything

Lifehouse Everything

This sketch is a great way to show the struggles of life and where people…

I have decided

I have decided

This is a true story about a man who chose to follow Jesus no matter…

Send us your reachout idea