Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions (T&C) of Campus for Christ Switzerland (Chamber of Commerce N° CH-020.6.900.073-7) are valid for all the web pages, Campus for Christ online shops and registration platforms as well as its branches included. A complete register of its branches is at www.cfc.ch/arbeitszweige. These T&C are valid especially for the online shops and the registration platforms of Campus for Christ, Explo, SHINE, Schülertreff, Alphalive, FamilyLife, CROWNLife, DIE4PUNKTE and NGE Switzerland.

When sending an order or registration the sender formally accepts these T&C. Campus for Christ furnishes the ordered goods and services through its online shops according to these T&C only valid at the moment of ordering.

The prices are mentioned in Swiss francs (Sfr.), value-added tax not included. As we are not assumed to this tax in Switzerland, there is no additional fee. Price, assortment alterations, technical adaptations, erroneous indications and printing errors are excepted. Campus for Christ Switzerland can alter the indications about products and their prices at any time.

Orders and Conclusion of a Contract
The customer’s order and registration are binding. Campus for Christ Switzerland is free to refuse an order or a registration at any time without mentioning the reason. In case of refusal Campus for Christ Switzerland informs the customer. A contract is only valid if Campus for Christ Switzerland realises the order or confirms a registration by e-mail or by letter.

Orders from Abroad
The prices (€) do not include the value-added tax. Value-added tax and customs duties can be charged separately by third parties.

Customers living in Germany can pay their invoices by crediting a euro account in Germany without any additional fees.

The other customers must pay their invoices by crediting a Swiss franc or a Euro account in Switzerland.

Expedition and Payment
Expedition is at risk of the receiver, with invoice only. The actual forwarding expenses are charged additionally.

If an ordered article is not in stock, the delivery of the other articles is not concerned. The missing articles are forwarded postage-free as soon as possible.

If an order is forwarded to an erroneous address for the second time the receiver is charged the additional forwarding expenses.

The furnished goods remain property of Campus for Christ Switzerland as long as the invoice is not paid completely.

Term of Payment
In general all the invoices have to be paid within 30 days without any deduction. In case of an exception the terms mentioned distinctly in the invoice are valid.

Right of Withdrawal, Exchange and Defects
Exchange of goods and withdrawal from an order are only possible in case of defective or inadequate goods. Losses in transit, erroneous deliveries and claims can be announced within ten days after receiving the goods, by writing to info@cfc.ch or by telephoning to +41 44 274 84 84.

As to the guarantee the legal conditions according to the Swiss Code of Obligations are valid.

Security and Privacy
The data necessary for the procedure, whether on- or offline, registered by Campus for Christ Switzerland can be used for the conclusion of a contract and for marketing purposes and statistics. Campus for Christ Switzerland treats all the data quite confidentially.

Campus for Christ Switzerland is entitled to use the customer’s data needed for the conclusion of contracts falso for different ways of communication (e. g. by SMS/MMS, e-mail or by post). The customer, however, he or she can Campus for Christ Switzerland let know under info@cfc.ch or by telephone +41 44 274 84 84 that he or she is no longer interested in any communication.

All the illustrations that Campus for Christ Switzerland uses are copyrighted material and may be used with Campus for Christ Switzerland’s previous approval only.

Handing Down of Personal Data to Third Parties
Campus for Christ Switzerland commits to hand down personal data to those business partners only who need them for a defined execution of an order (i. e. post office, print office, etc.). Otherwise Campus for Christ Switzerland does not hand down any data to third parties.

An exception are coteries allowing the admission to a clearly defined group of people. The list of participants (names, contacts) of such events can be handed down to the other participants. However, the receivers are not entitled to hand these indications down to people who are not participants. This regulation is marked well visibly on the participants’ list.

Privacy during Events
The customer agrees by enrolment for a Campus of Christ Switzerland event or for one of its branches (by sending a filled-in form) that there might be taken photos, made films, video clips and sound registrations of himself, herself resp.

Campus for Christ Switzerland is aware that celebrating personal faith such as singing, dancing, praying or meditating is part of privacy and must be protected. For this reason Campus for Christ Switzerland pays attention to show people in an anonymous way during their worshipping and prayers. Moreover, Campus for Christ Switzerland does without publishing personal testimonies or speeches unless a previous oral or written permission was asked for publishing. For these moral reasons there is no legal duty for Campus of Christ Switzerland to do without taking pictures, producing films, video clips and sound registrations about such situations.

Cession of Rights to Picture and Sound
When enrolling for an event the right of pictures and sound registration of the customer is ceded to the persons in charge by order of Campus for Christ Switzerland (such as photographs, VJs, etc.), and finally completely to Campus of Christ Switzerland. This right extends to unlimited use of picture and sound recordings with or without paying the customer a fee.

Possibility to Refuse the Publication of Films, Pictures and Sound Tracks
At every event Campus for Christ Switzerland offers all the participants (customers) before and during the event a designated area where no pictures are taken, no films are made and no sound registrations take place. Customers interested in can enrol in advance at info@cfc.ch or by telephone +41 44 274 84 84 or contact the person in charge during or just before the beginning of the event.

Exclusion of Liability
Campus for Christ Switzerland declines any liability to the full extent of the law.

Web pages of Campus for Christ Switzerland and its branches can contain links to web pages of third parties. Web pages of third parties can contain links to web pages of Campus for Christ Switzerland. Campus for Christ Switzerland declines any liability for the links to such web pages, their contents and their offered products and services or any other offer or their observation of privacy prescription and distances itself from them. The user is fully responsible for activating those links.

Final Clause
If any part of these T&C is altered or becomes null and void the remaining terms and conditions remain in place. Campus for Christ Switzerland and the customer are obliged to come to an agreement according to the sense and the purpose of the prescription to be replaced as far as possible. Alterations, specifications and supplements to agreements of these T&C need to be made in writing.

Applicable Right and Place of Jurisdiction
The legal relationships are under Swiss supervision. The only place of jurisdiction for any disagreement is Zurich. Compulsory places of jurisdiction, namely places of jurisdiction for consumers, are reserved.

These T&C enacted on October 21, 2014. They replace any Campus for Christ Switzerland T&C valid before.

Campus for Christ Switzerland, October 21, 2014

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